moMentum Logo
The moMentum Fellowship is a social innovation/entrepreneurial challenge created in 2019 and run by optiMize for students at partnering community colleges in Michigan. It’s designed to take what students have learned in the classroom and apply it in real-world contexts through a self-led project with an emphasis on social justice and sustainability. I was tasked with designing the logo for the new program. Here is the logo and my process.
First, with the help of my co-worker and manager, we started by coming up with words and phrases that related to “momentum”.
Rough Drafts
After brainstorming, I started drafting…
Then started to refine and iterate the design, starting to follow the branding guidelines more closely
Using the blues in the branding guidelines and experimenting with the globe from the optiMize logo
And after many iterations and consultation from people in the organization including creative leads, my manager, and co-founders, it came down to these final design ideas. One of the major changes was putting the full optiMize logo to indicate this program is a part of the larger optiMize organization.
Final Designs
Ultimately, we decided on these designs for the moMentum Fellowship logo!